The video that I am specifically looking at is a 4-minute infomercial style video. It features a bubbly blonde girl dressed as Goldilocks and showcases her performing experiments on various mattresses with eggs and weights.
The reason I am looking specifically at this video is that it is one of very few that actually caught my attention. (A feat not easily accomplished.) Snap shots of the commercial are below.
The first thing that Purple does really well is contrast. Throughout the video, the background stays pretty well subdued. What shows through the most is the dress the host is wearing (which is also purple) and the bright purple mattress itself.
Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is a very important photography technique that Purple uses throughout this video. The host is almost always in the left or right third of the shot.
Throughout the commercial, A large glass plate is dropped onto various mattresses. The eggs break on every drop except for the drops onto a Purple mattress. Purple shows this over and over taking care to explain that the eggs only break on the regular mattresses.They even go so far as to show 1,400 pounds of weights on top of the glass and still no breaking eggs.
Other Techniques
I think the video does a great job holding the viewers attention for a variety of reasons.
First, the rapid shots of the host close up and panned out doesn't let the viewer settle one type of shot for too long.
Second, the contrasting colors of the host's costume keeps you focused on her rather than anything else. It doesn't hurt that she is also dressed in purple, paying homage to the company.
The video does a great job in another way. They are able to tell the story of what is happening without using subtitles for what the host is saying. They do post print on the screen that explains what is happening but you are able to figure out the rest without knowing what she is saying.
Of course, if you do click on the video, you hear a cleverly written script that has plenty of little one-liner jokes to keep you amused.
In addition, the company tells you exactly what they are doing by posting the price of the mattress on the screen with a link asking you to click more if you want further information.
The video does a great job giving people the information they need regarding the mattress but I feel that it may have run a little long. People start to lose interest after a couple minutes.
I do think that putting the price in the video is a good thing though. If for nothing else, it limits the curiosity checks to the website. There is no sense bogging down the bandwidth by people only interested in the price. By doing this, the company is assured that only the people going to the website from the link weren't bothered by the price at all and may truly be interested in the product.
Overall, I feel that Purple did a great job on this ad. It has the same look and feel as the famous Squatty Potty and Poo-Pori ads which makes sense since they were produced by the same people. A link to the full commercial is below.