Escape rooms are a difficult thing to sell people on. It's not because they aren't fun. On the contrary, they are some of the most fun you can have. They are simply unknown. P A lot of people have heard of them but few have actually tried them. The trick in all of this is to try and get people to spend money on something they have never done or perhaps have done and feel that they don't need to do it again.
To help in getting people to try something new, I want to appeal to that fear of boredom. I need to remind people that summer, while a blast, can be tiresome for children that have nothing to do. To that end, I have created a campaign that attempts to get people to avoid getting bored and to try something new.
The tagline of the campaign is simply, "Don't waste away this summer. Learn to connect with you family in a whole new way at A Great Escape at Gardner Village." A photo of bored children or teens will be included such as the pictures below.
I would like to come up with the photos myself or at least find some copyright free images to use. The message coming from the photo should be the same though. I want the picture to scream "boredom".
I want to post the ad on both Facebook and Instagram and promote both for 1 week. The success of this campaign will be measured in clicks to our website as well as an analysis of the bookings.
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